2135 N. Ridge Road,
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67212

FAX: 316-719-2406
To the patients and families of St. Gianna Family Medicine:
Using caution regarding the current COVID-19 situation, we are asking patients to contact our office via phone prior to coming in if ANY of the following apply:
1. Have been exposed to a known COVID-19 infected patient or been informed by local or state officials that you have been in contact.
2. Have had a fever of >100F in the last 14 days
3. Have had a new or different cough in the past 14 days
4. Have had new or different shortness of breath symptoms in the last 14 days
Please contact our office and allow 24 hrs for further instructions. We are taking every effort to continue to provide our patients with the highest level of care while keeping those at risk as safe as possible.
Phone: 316-768-6444
Question: Where can I find RELIABLE information about the current state of COVID-19 in our country and in the state of Kansas?
Answer: Please refer to the following websites for the CDC and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment COVID-19 information pages for further information and education as well as the most up to date information regarding current recommendations.